We are pleased to announce that the Huntington City-Township Public Library will be opening its buildings to the public starting on June 1.
At this time we are operating on the theory of 50% capacity, to keep in line with the Governor’s recommendations for businesses. This means that some services may still be limited. Our hours will continue to be limited.
The Huntington building will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from Noon to 6pm and on Saturday from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Markle will be open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from Noon to 7pm. We will also continue to provide curbside service during all of our open hours.
In order to maintain the safety of our staff and patrons we will be making some changes to the way that we provide services.
Please be aware of the following changes:
- Social distancing measures are in effect at all times
- Toys, games, puzzles, and other common use items are not available
- Lounge seating has been reduced and spaced out for safety
- Public computers and Reference services are available by appointment only
- Keefer Center access is available by appointment only
- Virtual programs will be available for all ages
- Indoor book returns are not available. All items must be returned in the outside returns.
We ask that you help the library to maintain the safety of our community by following some simple guidelines when you visit us.
- Patrons are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings. We have free masks available if you don’t have your own.
- Do not come into the building if you are sick. Contactless curbside service will remain available for library materials as well as copying, printing, and faxing.
- Maintain good hygiene. Wash your hands often and use hand sanitizer as needed.
- Don’t linger in the building and limit the number of family members you bring in.
- Be respectful of other patrons and maintain appropriate social distancing space at all times.
Summer Library Program
Every year hundreds of people in our community participate in the Summer Library Program through reading challenges, events and other activities. This year we need to adjust our program to meet the safety needs of our community while continuing to provide an engaging experience for everyone.
We are currently working on setting up an app for virtual reading logs which will allow you to track your progress at home. We hope to have this ready in the first half of June. We will also have paper reading logs for those who want to continue to track reading the old-fashioned way.
We will continue to provide quality programming; however, the majority of it will be virtual through live online sessions and recorded programs. We hope to be able to provide small group programs in July if the community health indicators remain positive. All Storytime sessions for the summer will be virtual. Check out our website and Facebook for current listings for all programs.
Our first week of programming includes:
- Ready, Set, Go! – a weekly recorded Kindergarten readiness program
- A live virtual Builder’s Night for tweens and teens
- A live virtual Knight School for kids – pick up your activity packets in advance at the library or through curbside pickup
- Discovery Lab – a weekly recorded science experiment that you can do at home
- A virtual exploration of the Duolingo language learning platform – register in advance by emailing ask@hctpl.info
Our big kick-off program will be a Facebook event with magician Daniel Lusk which will be available to view from June 8th to 12th.
Prizes will be distributed when you sign up. Children and teens will also receive prize packets when they reach the half-way point and completion of their reading logs. Prize packets can be picked up in person or through curbside service. Grand prizes will be awarded at the end of the summer by a random draw from all the registered participants in the program.
You can register for the Summer Library Program by visiting the library in person, calling us at 260-356-0824, or e-mailing ask@hctpl.info.