In addition to our physical books, audiobooks and magazines, we’ve got a digital collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, graphic novels, and streaming music and video you can borrow, for free, with your library card.
OverDrive & Libby: eBooks & eAudiobooks

As a member of the Northeast Indiana Digital Library, or NIDL, consortium of libraries, anyone with a library card with us can borrow from almost 20,000 eBooks and eAudiobooks from OverDrive.
You can read and listen on computers, tablets and smartphones. Visit the NIDL website at on your computer, or download either the OverDrive or Libby app from your smartphone or tablet’s app store.
Once you’re on the website or have downloaded the app, you can sign in with your library card and PIN and start borrowing right away! Here are some instructions on basic tasks when using the website or apps:
Kanopy: thoughtful entertainment for all ages

If you love Libby for e-books, you’ll love Kanopy for film and television. Kanopy brings free streaming to your favorite devices, whether they’re phones or smart TVs. Use your tickets each month to rent movies or binge TV shows—it’s up to you! And with Kanopy Kids, children can watch age-appropriate media as much as they want, as any offerings for children do not use tickets. Download the app today and start streaming!